Throughout my athletic and nutrition career I have seen the dedication, drive, and commitment that both athletes and their families have for their sport. When athletes make nutrition a priority, they are able to energize their workouts, improve their recovery, and set themselves apart from their competition.

I'm Stephanie

I'm a Sports dietitian who is dedicated to helping athletes have a competitive edge and end the cycle of under fueling (REDs) with a strong nutrition plan. 

Learn more about fueling your goals


get started

Let's work together to...

  • Create consistency in your fueling plan
  • End the cycle of Under- fueling and Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (REDs)
  • Work the the challenges of disordered eating
  • Build & strengthen your muscle
  • Support your recovery
  • Fine tune your hydration plan
  • Recover your menstrual cycle
  • Be consistent with fuel when you travel
  • Reduce your injury risk or support injury recovery
  • Choose safe and appropriate supplements
  • Develop a game day & tournament fueling plan
  • and more!

Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics

Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics


State University of New York College at Oneonta

To stay in the game and remain competitive you need to be energized, strong, and confident with your nutrition plan.

What I failed to focus on was my nutrition. By not understanding what and when to eat I impacted my strength and weakened my bones leading to several preventable injuries.

When I found a balance and added in the missing piece of nutrition, I saw a huge positive impact on my health and performance!

I understand the challenges of an athlete - balancing sports, school work, and life.                                       

where It all started

I have been there!

My Qualifications

My go-to take out meal

Pizza! I'm from upstate NY &
NY has the best pizza

If I could travel anywhere tomorrow, it'd be...

Norway is next on my travel bucket list!

My pets

Callie is my black lab mix

My favorite time of year

Fall, my husband & I love to hike when the leaves are colorful

My favorite things to do on the weekends...

Hike with my family, garden, try new places to eat!

Favorite food

Ice cream!!

Fun Facts About me!

nodding your head right now?

Choose the foods and energy sources that are essential to your success. 

Adapt your meals and snacks to your training schedule and performance goals

Close the fueling gap and prevent under-fueling by adding strong energy choices to your day

Select snacks that will work best for you before, during, and after practices and competitions

Focus on hydration as a tool to keep you playing at your best

Have fun with your fueling plan and enjoy all of the foods you love

Be confident in building and adapting your nutrition plan to your goals

Enough about me, I'm here to help you...

Learn to build and adapt your performance plate with the foods and energy sources that are essential to your success. 



4Fuel Method

My Strategy to help you fuel your goals...

Fine tune your meals and snacks around your training and goals. Performance nutrition is all about the foods you eat AND when you eat them.



Hydration is truly the cornerstone of a fueling plan and your performance. Small shifts in your hydration can significantly change the way you play!



Fueling plans should never be boring. We will work together to include the foods you love.



Supporting athletes competing in...
High school Varsity & JV sports
Elite Club & Travel leagues
Collegiate NCAA Division I, II, & III

"I chose to work with Stephanie because I was under-fueled and hungry all the time. Since beginning the program I’ve learned so many things such as what to eat and when to eat it and I’ve gained a lot of variety in my snacking and meals. I would definitely recommend this program and have recommended it to several athletes at my sports training gym!”

High school and on to College Swimmer


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Game Day Checklist


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A fueling guide designed to help you build a strong foundation in nutrition and fuel timing.

 Nutrition Playbook

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