Elite Fuel Nutrition

1:1 nutrition coaching

Apply today!

The Elite Fuel Program is my signature 1:1 coaching program for high school and college athletes

Fuel your body to train and perform at your best

Overcome the cycle of under-fueling, feeling hungry, and having low energy (REDs)

Build your confidence in nutrition and fuel timing

Energize your muscles and strengthen your bones to decrease your injury risk

Take your game to the next level of competition and beyond!

Elite Fuel nutrition was
designed to help you...

"I am feeling stronger, even my coach is noticing!"

Two months later
"I made the first team. With playing time!"

rugby player

3 months Academy Access
Food journal with my feedback!
The support of. a sports dietitian every step of the way!

Bonus Tools & REsources

Weekly check in to build on your goals, share your concerns, celebrate wins, and create strategies to help you take your game to the next level.

Weekly check-ins

You will have access to a personalized app and online platform that allows you to reach out and work with your nutrition coach at any time. Ask me questions, share challenges, wins and more. It's like having a sports dietitian in your back pocket!

Messaging support

During each of your individual sessions we will work together to build your nutrition knowledge, create solutions to challenges, and design your fueling plan for upcoming training, games, or tournament weekends.

Individual sessions

Individualized performance nutrition coaching

Let's chat about the fun stuff!

Are you ready?

Elite Fuel Program

Additional accountability and support between sessions

You feel like you are eating enough, but still every day you are always hungry. Even after just eating!

You struggle to find foods to eat before practice that don't upset your stomach or feel "heavy".

You may have noticed a few signs of under-fueling: low energy, injuries, slow muscle growth or changes in your menstrual cycle

You know nutrition is the missing piece to your success, but you just don't know where to start

Have you felt like this before?

If you said yes to any of these, you are in the right place.

Elite Fuel nutrition is for you... 

the competitive athlete who knows nutrition is an important part of their performance and wants to learn how to fuel their success.

What you eat


4Fuel Method

The foundation for your success is my

When you eat






Adding your flare!



The 4Fuel method has Supported athletes competing in...
High school Varsity & JV sports
Elite Club & Travel leagues
Collegiate NCAA Division I, II, & III





Cross country runner

"You think you know what you need to eat as an athlete. But I always questioned and second guessed myself. I am already more confident in what I am eating... and we just started!"

Volleyball player

"There is the old me and the new fueled me!

I'm not a robot, I don't have to eat the same food all of the time. I can be flexible. I have come so far in the way I eat!"

Soccer player

"HI! This weekend's tournament was a HUGE success. Honestly I have never felt so good playing back to back. So yes... adding in more fuel was key!!"

athlete wins!

Let's get started!

Let's work together to...

  • Create consistency in your fueling plan
  • Build & strengthen your muscle
  • Support your recovery
  • Fine tune your hydration plan
  • End the cycle of Under- fueling and Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (REDs)
  • Recover your menstrual cycle
  • Supporting you on your recovery journey through disordered eating
  • Be consistent with fuel when you travel
  • Reduce your injury risk or support injury recovery
  • Choose safe and appropriate supplements
  • Develop a game day & tournament fueling plan
  • and more!

Ready to get started?


Apply by scheduling a Free 15 minute Discovery call here.
On this call we talk about your goals, challenges, and schedule your first Elite Fuel session.


Fill out your your intake paperwork.
This helps me get to know you better! I will share these forms with you when we schedule your first session


Join me in your Initial session.
During your first session we will dive into your schedule, fueling likes and dislikes, preferences, training schedule and begin building your confidence in fueling your goals. At the end of your session we will create your foundational fueling guide with a few goals to work on before our next session.


Accountability and support.
You will have the support of a sports dietitian in your back pocket! You can message me at any time with questions! And with access to the Academy you have bonus videos, resources and a monthly group coaching call at your fingertips.


Follow up sessions.
This is where we talk about your wins, what went well with your fueling plan, upcoming competitions, and adapt your plan or create new habits to help you work through any challenges.

When you join the Elite Fuel Program you will learn how to plan, build, and adapt your fueling plan to your sport and life!

Become confident in fueling your goals

This is your time to...

My mission is to empower athletes just like you, 

to fuel their bodies, their minds, and performance with confidence.

Why should I focus on my nutrition?

Frequently asked Question

How does the Elite fuel Program work?

How can I get started?

I'm not sure if I am ready for 1:1 coaching.

What topics do we cover in the Elite Fuel Program?

Have another question?

Apply today!

Your nutrition coach on a mission to empower athletes to fuel their training, recovery, and competitions with confidence.

Hi! I'm Stephanie

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